
Poindexter News

Bringing Psychology & Humanity to Computer Repair

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“Getting machines to work is an essential part of the job, but so is making the customer feel better. And tech geeks are famous for not being very good at that.” – Laura Sydell, NPR’s All tech Considered

Hi Baltimore. I stumbled across an older NPR article that I wanted to share with you because I think it nicely sums up something I’ve thought about for a long time. Why IT services have a problem and why I hope Poindexter is the solution. The article is pretty short and you can read it here: A Good IT Person Needs to be Half Technologist, Half Psychologist. Read More

yeah, i have a beard now. try not to look directly at it

No Shave November’s Hearty, Awesome Beard of Beardlyness… and Holiday Hours

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Fear not! That hirsute, bespectacled nerd knocking on your door is not the rabid mountain hipster he appears to be! It’s just Poindexter struggling to grow a respectable beard for No Shave November. That’s not Magnum PI pulling up for your computer consultation. We totally forgive the confusion! What with the pastel button-up, steely gaze, and various sundry cables and hard drives, Poindexter is a dead ringer for Tom Selleck. We get that.

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poindexter proudly services hampden baltimore and surrounding areas

Hello Hampden!

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And goodbye Iowa. Goodbye to your life threatening winters, adorable bunny epidemic, and constant wind. Hello Charm City! Hello crabcakes and Berger Cookies,  Honfest and Natty Boh!

A very special hello to the Village of Hampden, home of Baltimore’s Best breakfast and cheese shops, ice cream and sandwiches. With so many excellent restaurant and boutiques, it’s easy to see what makes Hampden so special. Is it this awesome bookstore? Maybe it’s the unique selection of oddities? Yes and so much more than that. Hampden is what you get when a community bands together to really build something special, when people care and are given a chance to excel at doing something new, something different. You won’t find a Gap or a Geek Squad here. In a way, Hampden feels like a small, tight knit town, despite being smack inside of Maryland’s largest city.

Hi Hampden. It’s going to be great getting to know you. We’re excited to help in whatever way we can to make this community even stronger. We especially love the bikeways, parks, and dog friendly attitude. If you ever see us out and about, know that my dog, Eden, is friendly, but a giant wimp. She’s great at making everything super awkward and bad at making new friends. You can usually find me in Wyman Park trying to teach Eden that not all dog toys are hers and that other dogs like to play, too. Cheers!

Available by appointment // 908-991-6373