Fear not! That hirsute, bespectacled nerd knocking on your door is not the rabid mountain hipster he appears to be! It’s just Poindexter struggling to grow a respectable beard for No Shave November. That’s not Magnum PI pulling up for your computer consultation. We totally forgive the confusion! What with the pastel button-up, steely gaze, and various sundry cables and hard drives, Poindexter is a dead ringer for Tom Selleck. We get that.
Not pictured: uneven neck hair.
Levity aside, that scraggly mess took two weeks and some change. No, the beard doesn’t make him better at troubleshooting broken computers, contrary to our best scientific predictions. Poindexter still rocks those repairs, with or without the sweet chin wig.
Always dapper, unusually punctual, but now with a little extra “Oh, okay. I see you have an unkempt beard today. Please keep it off my computer.”
Don’t worry. November is almost over.
In related news, Poindexter will be unavailable the following days (it’s Thankgiving’s fault and has nothing to do with the beard)
- November 21st
- November 26th
- November 27th
- November 28th
We expect to resume normal hours of M-Sa // 10-7pm starting November 30th, until Christmas. By this time we fully expect his beard to be doing every computer repair.