“Getting machines to work is an essential part of the job, but so is making the customer feel better. And tech geeks are famous for not being very good at that.” – Laura Sydell, NPR’s All tech Considered
Just a friendly reminder to Baltimore families and businesses:
The free upgrade to Windows 10 (with Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 eligible) ends July 29th. You can expect the licensing cost for Windows 10 Home to be $119.99 and the business oriented Pro version to cost $199.99.
Whether or not you should upgrade depends on a variety of things. Only machines running Windows 7 and later are eligible for the upgrade. Unless you’ve disabled Windows Update, you’ve likely received the nag window promoting the free upgrade to Windows 10. If you’ve seen this, you’re machine is eligible to run Windows 10. For the most part, you can expect Windows 10 to run well, possibly better than your current operating system. If you haven’t been notified of eligibility, your machine might still be capable of running Windows 10. Read More
We get this one a lot. Like, a lot a lot, and there’s no easy answer. Sure, Apple, Hewlett Packard, and Dell, to name a few, all make computers. They have processors, RAM, non-volatile storage (hard drives), a case, a keyboard… you know. Computer stuff. But the similarities end the moment we stop drawing broad comparisons about the underlying machine stuff. Windows PCs vary significantly by manufacturer; Apple computers vary less, but offer less choice.
One fateful morning, our client woke their office computer from sleep and noticed something odd. All (or most) of their files were being treated like audio files, specifically .mp3 files. This client is using Windows 7, running Norton Internet Security, and does not keep a regular backup (vulnerable operating system, inadequate anti-virus, and no disaster recovery plan).
It’s official: Baltimore just got whammied with record amounts of snow, trapping many in their homes and prohibiting all but the most essential travel. While we rest in between bouts of frantic snow shoveling, let’s take some time to answer frequently asked questions about wintry tech and proffer up some advice to help you stay informed and well protected.
Hey Baltimore, it’s time once again to talk tech – this time Poindexter has prepared 16 useful tips to help you get the most out of your shiny new holiday gadgets and gizmos. Presented in no particular order, we’ll bust some myths, encourage some good practices, and try to help make your tech purchase the best it can be.
If you’d rather have an inexpensive, professional computer repair, Poindexter is always available to help. We serve the Hampden area, Baltimore, and have helped countless folks recover from internet fraud of all kinds. If you, a parent, or grand parent has been the victim of internet or tech support fraud, contact Poindexter for personal help from an industry professional. We’ll get this squared away for you, promise.
Are you fed up with your old, slow, buggy Android phone or tablet, but money is too tight to upgrade? Maybe you just want the freshest version of Android and are tired of waiting for your cell phone company to send an upgrade your way. Heck, maybe you just want your phone to be free of that annoying carrier software that you can’t uninstall. Let Poindexter breath new life into your Android phone with a custom rom.
Black Friday is coming! This is when all major companies band together and find the best ways to cut prices, costing them bazillions of dollars, selflessly passing the savings onto you, you savvy consumer you. This is capitalism’s worst nightmare and the Best Buys of the world would stop it if they only could.